Officescan Client Uninstall Silent

Ran into a slight problem today. I had to add a couple of older computers to a new Domain. Pretty easy to do normally but these workstations had a version of Trend Micro’s Officescan from their previous domain that needed to be removed so that the new version could be installed.

Perform manual uninstallation only if you encounter problems uninstalling the OfficeScan agent from the web console or after running the uninstallation program. Log on to the agent endpoint using an account with Administrator privileges. Right-click the OfficeScan agent icon on the system tray and select Unload OfficeScan. Echo the TrendMicro OfficeScan client from add/remove programs echo and it did a sloppy job. If not, go in and add/remove it echo first and then only run this if you need to! Echo This only works for OfficeScan 10, and only for XP/2003. Echo Other operating systems won't run 'devcon.exe' for the echo device removal portion of this script. Thanks for the post, I can't seem to find much information about OfficeScan on the. Silent app install uninstaller uninstall app silently uninstall application silently script to uninstall a program silent remove drivers from windows windows 7 - Uninstalling programs silently via. Msiexec Silent Install command line.

Trend Micro OfficeScan is normally deployed in corporate network environment to provide endpoint security. Administrators can remotely uninstall the Office Scan client, and user at the workstation can uninstall the client program using built-in uninstall mechanism too (i.e. Add and Remove Program in Control Panel). Summary This article guides you in performing silent installation/uninstallation of OfficeScan client using the AutoPCC utility. This can be useful when you want to remove the installation/uninstallation pop-up window generated by the autopcc.exe file during the client setup or uninstall process.

Officescan Client Uninstall Silent Witness

I couldn’t just uninstall the client (which would be the best solution) as that requires a password and no one in the office could remember the old password. (As a side note, when you install network versions of antivirus programs, make notes of the install details and file them away. It will help you out in the future.) Doing a bit of “Bing-ing” ( 😆 , yes I used Bing ) I found this information on how to change the password from Computing.Net:

To remove / reset the uninstall password for Trend Micro OfficeScan

Edit Ofcscan.ini file. (Do a search.)

On Windows.95/98/XP machines it is usually in C:WindowsOfcscan.ini

On Windows.NT/2K machines it is usually in C:WINNTOfcscan.ini

Open the Ofcscan.ini file using notepad search for the [INI_CLIENT_SECTION]

Find the line reading Uninstall_Pwd= and type a # at the beginning of the line to comment it out.

Insert a new line saying Uninstall_Pwd=70

Officescan Client Uninstall Silent

Trend Micro Officescan Agent Uninstall Silent

Save the Ofcscan.ini file and retry the uninstall. When it prompts you for a password, enter a ‘1’.

Sadly though, this method did not work for me as there was no Ofcscan.ini file to be found anywhere on these workstations. Therefore I was forced to do some manual removal of the client. This took a little digging into the Registry. Here are the steps I went through that worked for me:

Officescan client uninstall silent night

Officescan Client Uninstall Silent Night

First, you need to stop all the Officescan Services. To do that

  1. Go to Control Panel —> Administrative Tools —-> Services — and stop these services:
    • OfficeScanNT Listener
    • OfficeScanNT RealTimeScan
    • OfficeScanNT Personal Firewall (this one may not be enabled – don’t worry if you don’t see it)
  2. Run Registry Editor. Click Start —> Run —> then type ‘regedit.exe’
  3. Find this registry key:
  4. Delete these keys:
    • Ntrtscan
    • Tmlisten
    • TmFilter
    • VSApiNt
    • TMPreFilter
    • TM_CFW
    • OfcPfwSvc
  5. Now find this Registry key:
  6. Delete the following keys:
    • OfcWatchDog
    • Pc-cillinNTCorp
    • RemoteAgent
    • PC-cillin
  7. Next Find this registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun
  8. Delete the OfficeScanNT Monitor key.
  9. Now find the following registry key:
  10. Delete the OfficeScanNT key.
  11. Delete the OfficeScan program group (Trend Micro OfficeScan Client) from the Windows Start menu.
  12. Restart your computer.
  13. Delete the directories that contain the OfficeScan Client program files, normally located inside Program Files folder.

Officescan Client Uninstall Silent Hill

The above steps worked for me on a version 6 client of the Trend Micro Officescan client. If you are trying to remove an early version of the client, these Registry keys and services may not be the same. Please use the above instructions carefully and at your own risk. Also, remember anytime you intend to edit the Registry make a backup BEFORE you started editing and/or deleting keys.

Officescan Client Uninstall Silent Key

© 2009, Robert Owen. All rights reserved.