Dhcp Server App

Open DHCP Server Alternative – Plenty of alternatives app to Open DHCP Server that available on the web out there. And, looking for an ideal application was not easy matter. Lucky you, on this review you can find the best replacement app for Open DHCP Server. So what you are waiting for, get the latest Open DHCP Server alternative app for Windows 10 from this page.

Open DHCP Server Alternatives & Reviews

Presently Open DHCP Server Developers was release Network & Admin app for Windows 10 (Windows). And now, this app updated to the latest version. Before you read the Open DHCP Server Similar software reviews, please feel free to get an attention of this application details information.

App NameOpen DHCP Server
Rating1 (40 people)
CategoryNetwork & Admin
DeveloperOpen DHCP Server Developers

After you configure DHCP server settings, you need to start Open DHCP server service from Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services application or restart server pc to automatically run DHCP server. If the program is not assigning addresses, please check: 1. A DHCP Server is a protocol server for TCP/IP networks that supplies IP addresses to other computers. DHCP Server for Windows also supports TFTP, DNS and HTTP protocol which makes a nice package for easy and simple to install networks e.g. For remote boot and other purposes. Jul 12, 2021 Tiny DHCP Server is a simplistic, yet extremely useful application that sets up a DHCP service on your network. It supports up to 64 different network adapters simultaneously, and despite being extremely compact, it is surprisingly feature-rich. The DHCP search tool then displays the IP address of the DHCP server and the configuration information offered, including client IP address, netmask, and gateway. This is also useful for troubleshooting client-based DHCP problems. Since DHCP Find is a portable application, you can launch it easily on a client that has problems receiving TCP/IP.

Download Best Open DHCP Server Alternative

Here we go, Open DHCP Server Alternatives and Similar Software. You can select one of this best alternative app for Open DHCP Server on below. Please make sure to select the app that fit with your Personal Computer Operating System.

Serva 32/64


Serva is an Automated PXE Server Solution Accelerator based on an all-in-one portable multi-server engine including BINL(RIS/WDS), HTTP, FTP, TFTP, DHCP, proxyDHCP, DNS…

License: Freemium

Link: Serva 32/64 Alternative and Reviews

Antamedia DHCP Server


Freeware Windows DHCP Server helps to configure lease, scope, fixed IP-MAC, block desired MAC, exclude IP, with a real time view of current leases. Assigning IP…

License: Free

Link: Antamedia DHCP Server Alternative and Reviews

Free DHCP Server


A DHCP Server is a protocol server for TCP/IP networks that supplies IP addresses to other computers. DHCP Server for Windows also supports TFTP, DNS and HTTP protocol…

License: Free

Link: Free DHCP Server Alternative and Reviews



Link: Best Alternative apps and Reviews



Link: Best Alternative apps and Reviews


This Open DHCP Server App installation file is absolutely not hosted on our Server. When you click the “Download” hyperlink on this web page, files will downloading directly from the owner sources (Official sites/Mirror Site). Open DHCP Server is a windows app that created by Open DHCP Server Developers. We are not straight affiliated with them.

All trademarks, registered trademarks, item names and company names or logos that talked about in right here would be the property of their respective owners. We are DMCA-compliant and gladly to work with you.

Use the MAC address option if, on a given routing switch, it does not matter to the DHCP server which VLAN is the source of a client request (that is, use the MAC address option if the IP addressing policies supported by the target DHCP server do not distinguish between client requests from ports in different VLANs in the same routing switch.). The mail server comes with a lot of newer improvements over the old Server.app Mail server that makes it a lot nicer and more secure to use: up-to-date versions, really fast solr mail searching, rspamd, better spam/ham training workflow, DKIM, postfix in chroot jail, and a lot more.

DHCP, or Dynamic Host Control Protocol, is the service used to hand out IP addresses and other network settings by network appliances and servers. The DHCP Server built into macOS Server 5.2 on Sierra is similar to the DHCP service that was included in Server 10.2 from the good ‘ole Panther days. It’s pretty simple to use and transparent, just as DHCP services should be. To install the service, open the Server app and then click on the Show button beside Advanced in the server sidebar. Then click on DHCP. At the DHCP screen, you’ll see two tabs: Settings, used for managing the service and Clients, used to see leases in use by computers that obtain IP address information from the server. You’ll also see an ON and OFF switch, but we’re going to configure our scopes, or Networks as they appear in the Server app, before we enable the service. To configure a scope, double-click on the first entry in the Networks list. Each scope, or Network, will have the following options:
  • Name: A name for the scope, used only on the server to keep track of things.
  • Lease Duration: Select an hour, a day, a week or 30 days. This is how long a lease that is provided to a client is valid before the lease expires and the client must find a new lease, either from the server you’re configuring or a different host.
  • Network Interface: The network interface you’d like to share IPs over. Keep in mind that you can tag multiple VLANs on a NIC, assign each an interface in OS X and therefore provide different scopes for different VLANs with the same physical computer and NIC.
  • Starting IP Address: The first IP address used. For example, if you configure a scope to go from to you would have 50 useable IP addresses.
  • Ending IP Address: The last IP address used in a scope.
  • Subnet Mask: The subnet mask used for the client configuration. This setting determines the size of the network.
  • Router: The default gateway, or router for the network. Often a .1 address for the subnet used in the Starting and Ending IP address fields. Note that while in DHCP you don’t actually have to use a gateway, OS X Server does force you to do so or you cannot save changes to each scope.
  • DNS: Use the Edit button for DNS to bring up a screen that allows you to configure the DNS settings provided as part of each DHCP scope you create, taking note that by default you will be handing out a server of if you don’t configure this setting.
The DNS settings in the DHCP scope are really just the IP addresses to use for the DNS servers and the search domain. The search domain is the domain name appended to all otherwise incomplete Fully Qualified Domain Names. For example, if we use internal.krypted.lan and we have a DNS record for wiki.internal.krypted.lan then we could just type wiki into Safari to bring up the wiki server. Click the minus sign button to remove any data in these fields and then click on the plus sign to enter new values. Click OK to save DNS settings and then OK to save each scope. Once you’ve build all required scopes, start the service. Once started, verify that a new client on the network gets an IP. Also, make sure that there are no overlapping scopes and that if you are moving a scope from one device to another (e.g. the server you’re setting up right now) that you renew all leases on client systems, most easily done using a quick reboot, or using “ipconfig /release” on a Windows computer. If you have problems with leases not renewing in OS X, check out this article I did awhile back. So far, totally easy. Each time you make a change, the change updates a few different things. First, it updates the /etc/bootpd.plist property list, which looks something like this (note the correlation between these keys and the settings in the above screen shots.: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC '-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN' 'http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd'> <plist version='1.0'> <dict> <key>NetBoot</key> <dict/> <key>Subnets</key> <array> <dict> <key>allocate</key> <true/> <key>dhcp_domain_name</key> <string>no-dns-available.example.com</string> <key>dhcp_domain_name_server</key> <array> <string></string> </array> <key>dhcp_domain_search</key> <array/> <key>dhcp_router</key> <string></string> <key>lease_max</key> <integer>3600</integer> <key>name</key> <string>192.168.210 Wi-Fi</string> <key>net_address</key> <string></string> <key>net_mask</key> <string></string> <key>net_range</key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> <key>selected_port_name</key> <string>en0</string> <key>uuid</key> <string>B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E</string> </dict> </array> <key>allow</key> <array/> <key>bootp_enabled</key> <false/> <key>deny</key> <array/> <key>detect_other_dhcp_server</key> <false/> <key>dhcp_enabled</key> <false/> <key>old_netboot_enabled</key> <false/> <key>relay_enabled</key> <false/> <key>relay_ip_list</key> <array/> </dict> </plist> Settings from this file include:
  • dhcp_enabled – Used to enable dhcp for each network interface. Replace the <false/> immediately below with <array> <string>en0</string> </array>. For additional entries, duplice the string line and enter each from ifconfig that you’d like to use dhcp on.
  • bootp_enabled – This can be left as Disabled or set to an array of the adapters that should be enabled if you wish to use the bootp protocol in addition to dhcp. Note that the server can do both bootp and dhcp simultaneously.
  • allocate – Use the allocate key for each subnet in the Subnets array to enable each subnet once the service is enabled.
  • Subnets – Use this array to create additional scopes or subnets that you will be serving up DHCP for. To do so, copy the entry in the array and paste it immediately below the existing entry. The entry is a dictionary so copy all of the data between and including the <dict> and </dict> immediately after the <array> entry for the subnet itself.
  • lease_max and lease_min – Set these integers to the time for a client to retain its dhcp lease
  • name – If there are multiple subnet entries, this should be unique and reference a friendly name for the subnet itself.
  • net_address – The first octets of the subnet followed by a 0. For example, assuming a /24 and 172.16.25 as the first three octets the entry would be
  • net_mask – The subnet mask clients should have
  • net_range – The first entry should have the first IP in the range and the last should have the last IP in the range. For example, in the following example the addressing is to
  • dhcp_domain_name_server – There should be a string for each DNS server supplied by dhcp in this array
  • dhcp_domain_search – Each domain in the domain search field should be suppled in a string within this array, if one is needed. If not, feel free to delete the key and the array if this isn’t needed.
  • dhcp_router – This entry should contain the router or default gateway used for clients on the subnet, if there is one. If not, you can delete the key and following string entries.
If you run the serveradmin command, followed by the settings verb and then the dhcp service, you’ll see the other place that gets updated: serveradmin settings dhcp The output indicates that dhcp:static_maps = _empty_array dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:WINS_secondary_server = ' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:selected_port_name = 'en0' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:dhcp_router = '' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:dhcp_domain_name_server:_array_index:0 = '' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:net_mask = '' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:WINS_NBDD_server = ' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:net_range_start = '' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:lease_max = 3600 dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:dhcp_domain_search:_array_index:0 = 'internal.krypted.lan' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:descriptive_name = '192.168.210 Wi-Fi' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:WINS_primary_server = ' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:net_range_end = '' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:dhcp_ldap_url = _empty_array dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:WINS_node_type = 'NOT_SET' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:net_address = '' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:dhcp_enabled = yes dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:dhcp_domain_name = 'internal.krypted.lan' dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:WINS_scope_id = ' dhcp:subnet_defaults:logVerbosity = 'MEDIUM' dhcp:subnet_defaults:WINS_node_type_list:_array_index:0 = 'BROADCAST_B_NODE' dhcp:subnet_defaults:WINS_node_type_list:_array_index:1 = 'HYBRID_H_NODE' dhcp:subnet_defaults:WINS_node_type_list:_array_index:2 = 'NOT_SET' dhcp:subnet_defaults:WINS_node_type_list:_array_index:3 = 'PEER_P_NODE' dhcp:subnet_defaults:WINS_node_type_list:_array_index:4 = 'MIXED_M_NODE' dhcp:subnet_defaults:dhcp_domain_name = 'no-dns-available.example.com' dhcp:subnet_defaults:WINS_node_type = 'NOT_SET' dhcp:subnet_defaults:routers = _empty_dictionary dhcp:subnet_defaults:logVerbosityList:_array_index:0 = 'LOW' dhcp:subnet_defaults:logVerbosityList:_array_index:1 = 'MEDIUM' dhcp:subnet_defaults:logVerbosityList:_array_index:2 = 'HIGH' dhcp:subnet_defaults:dhcp_domain_name_server:_array_index:0 = '' dhcp:subnet_defaults:selected_port_key = 'en0' dhcp:subnet_defaults:selected_port_key_list:_array_index:0 = 'bridge0' dhcp:subnet_defaults:selected_port_key_list:_array_index:1 = 'en0' dhcp:subnet_defaults:selected_port_key_list:_array_index:2 = 'p2p0' dhcp:subnet_defaults:selected_port_key_list:_array_index:3 = 'en1' dhcp:logging_level = 'MEDIUM' Notice the correlation between the uuid string in /etc/bootp.plist and the arrayid entry for each subnet/network/scope (too many terms referring to the same thing, ahhhh!). Using the serveradmin command you can configure a lot more than you can configure in the Server app gui. For example, on a dedicated DHCP server, you could increase logging level to HIGH (as root/with sudo of course): serveradmin settings dhcp:logging_level = 'MEDIUM' You can also change settings within a scope. For example, if you realized that you were already using and 201 for statically assigned IPs elsewhere you can go ahead and ssh into the server and change the first IP in a scope to 202 using the following (assuming the uuid of the domain is the same as in the previous examples): serveradmin settings dhcp:subnets:_array_id:B03BAE3C-AB79-4108-9E5E-F0ABAF32179E:net_range_start = '' You can also obtain some really helpful information using the fullstatus verb with serveradmin: serveradmin fullstatus dhcp This output includes the number of active leases, path to log file (tailing that file is helpful when troubleshooting issues), static mappings (configured using the command line if needed), etc. dhcp:state = 'RUNNING' dhcp:backendVersion = '10.11' dhcp:timeOfModification = '2016-10-04 04:24:17 +0000' dhcp:numDHCPActiveClients = 0 dhcp:timeOfSnapShot = '2016-10-04 04:24:19 +0000' dhcp:dhcpLeasesArray = _empty_array dhcp:logPaths:systemLog = '/var/log/system.log' dhcp:numConfiguredStaticMaps = 1 dhcp:timeServiceStarted = '2016-10-04 04:24:17 +0000' dhcp:setStateVersion = 1 dhcp:numDHCPLeases = 21 dhcp:readWriteSettingsVersion = 1 Once started, configure reservations using the /etc/bootptab file. This file should have a column for the name of a computer, the hardware type (1), the hwaddr (the MAC address) and ipaddr for the desired IP address of each entry: %% # hostname hwtype hwaddr ipaddr bootfile a.krypted.lan 1 00:00:00:aa:bb:cc b.krypted.lan 1 00:00:00:aa:bb:cc You can start and stop the service either using the serveradmin command:

Mac Os Dhcp Server

serveradmin stop dhcp serveradmin start dhcp Or using the launchctl:

Dhcp Server Application

sudo /bin/launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/bootps.plist sudo /bin/launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/bootps.plist Finally, you can define DHCP options in /etc/bootp.plist. This process isn’t necessarily support, there is no GUI control for options, and options are not as widely used with devices as they once were. However, it’s absolutely an option if needed.

Windows Dhcp Server

There comes a point when you ask yourself, ‘there has to be a better way’ (this should be often). This was certainly the case where after a large campus switch out which required many printers to be reconfigure. Part of that reconfiguring was creating new DHCP reservation.

Dhcp Server App Mac Ios

Dhcp Server Application For Windows 10

Unfortunately, if you do not cull the old lease, Windows (rightfully so) informs you there is already a device with that MAC in the reservation database. In someone’s at Microsoft’s infinite wisdom, they neglect to tell you what DHCP scope the device is currently reserved in. So I would begin to trawl each scope I guessed in maybe reserved in based on my knowledge of our current scopes. This would waste many minutes of my time (sometimes without success) which means my customers are getting less of me. No good.

But, I did ask myself, ‘there has to be a better way’…and there is!


Open up a command prompt window on your DHCP server (or a remote powershell session) and input the following:

All you need is the MAC address of the device and input it without ‘-‘ in the MACADDRESS space and you should get something a little like the below:

Dhcp Server App For Windows 10

Another time saver for the time poor SysAdmin